During pregnancy, the body´s needs in food and nutrition change. In general, the body needs more of everything. But that´s only one half of the story. The truth is: the baby will need a little bit of extra calories, round about 20% or 250 kcal per day. But it will need much more of several vitamins, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals and trace elements to support the rapid growth. That´s usually double the amount from the normal diet.
Lacks of micronutrients like folic acid (Vitamin B9) might be seriously negative fo the child´s development, i.e. in the first weeks of pregnancy. Therefore, a balanced diet of the future mother is now much more important than before.
In order to contribute to decreasing the risk of neural tube defects, you must begin adding at least 400 µg folic acid per day and take this dosis at least until the third month of pregnancy.
This article summarizes the most important and widely accepted health and diet recommendations during pregnancy.
What (food) to avoid during pregnancy
There are a couple of really important no-no´s during pregnancy. While it might sometimes feel hard: you owe this to your child!
Alcohol during pregnancy is an absolute no-go. Alcohol takes 20 (!!!) times longer in the unborn child to be washed out again.
German statistics confirm that a sad 10,000 babys per year (around three percent) are born with a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD). Even a glass sometimes might be too much. Read more here on wikipedia on FASD. And please, for the sake of your baby´s child: fully avoid alcohol during these nine months!
What a future mother should eat
Not double the amount, but double as healthy
Since the extra needed calories are just a few more (plus 20% in the second half of the pregnancy), it´s important that your food is healthy.
Let´s summarize this topic by category:
Calories are necessary. It´s the energy for your brain and your muscles. Potatoes and full wheat are better calories than sugar. You will only need around 250 kcal more in energy which is not more than a standard yoguhrt a day. If you eat more on top, you will probably add more weight than necessary.
Fat and essential fatty acids (i.e. omega-3 DHA and EPA)
Fat is an essential part of the diet. Although your initial reaction to “fat” will probably be “Uuuh, bad, I should better avoid fat“, it´s actually very necessary for the child´s development. But: it depends on what kind of fat you are taking in. Most fat in processed food is coming from saturated fatty acids. This is “bad fat”. Good fat is fat with high percentage of polyansaturated fatty acids, i.e. omega-3 fatty acids. There are a number of different omega-3 fatty acids.
The most interesting for the development of nerves, the eyes, the brain and motoric system are omega-3 fatty acids from fish, DHA and EPA. This is why nutrition specialists recommend eating fish twice a week.
Olive oil, sunflower oil or oil from soy is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. BUT: these oils from plants lack DHA and EPA, which are found in fish and seafood only. DHA and EPA are very important and contribute to normal nerves and to normal eye functions. If you do not eat fish this often, you might consider supplementing DHA and EPA with a product like amitamin® fertil F.
Dietary fibres
Eating lots of vegetables and fruits is more important now than ever. They contain dietary fibres, which supports the management of the energy levels and blood sugar levels.
Amino acids
Amino acids are the building blocks of life. They are essential for most of our metabolic processes. Amino acids are needed to construct and repoair tissue, our entire body. A generally accepted advice is that you take an extra of 15 grams to 30 grams of amino acids and proteins per day.
There are thirteen vitamins which are essential for the human body. They are necessary for metabolic processes. To support a healthy immune system, you might consider taking an extra portion of Vitamin C and Vitamin D, amongst other vitamins.
Folic acid is the most well known vitamin during pregnancy. It is so important because the lack of folic acid causes a four times higher risk for the fetus to develop Spina bifida. It is important to start taking care of a sufficiently high folate level before pregnancy, because Spina bifida develops in the first two weeks and is irreversible. Nutritional supplements like amitamin® fertil F are a way to be sure that your intake of folate is adequate.
Trace elements
Trace elements like iron and zinc are needed in higher amounts than usual. Women with a vegan diet may show a low level of certain trace elements, i.e. of iron.
Iodine is another trace element which is very much in focus in the mother´s diet. A lack of iodine might not be beneficial to the baby´s development of brain and nerve functions.
Minerals like Magnesium and Calcium are important for the development of bones and teeth. Drink a glass of milk a day extra and more vegetables to support your baby´s development.
You should drink around 2,5 litres per day to support all metabolic processes. Tea without sugar, water and natural fruit juices are the drinks you should prefer.
Fertility supplements
To ensure that your baby has the right amount of these micronutrients available, you should consider supporting your diet with a nutritional supplement like amitamin® fertil F. It was designed exactly for the needs during pregnancy and until lactation. It´s formula is much more advanced and dosage more generous than what you probably know.
Compare amitamin® fertil F with alternatives and decide yourself what is best for you and your toddler!
Read more on male and femaly fertility and what supports a healthy pregnancy
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